An exciting new chapter for North Shore Golf Club
North Shore Golf Club has an exciting once in a generation opportunity to rejuvenate its course, creating a new standard for the club that will enhance the overall golf experience for members, improve accessibility and future proof against weather events, significantly improving drainage so the course can recover quickly from rain – and leave a wonderful legacy for future generations.
Renowned Golf Architect, Brett Thomson has been appointed to develop a course design and the board has identified an opportunity to fund these course improvements by selling land surplus to requirements.
We are committed to providing members with all of the information they will need to consider this opportunity. With that in mind, we are devoting this section of the website to sharing information, the wider design vision, frequently asked questions and answers, research underpinning the strategy – and of course providing an opportunity for any questions to be asked by members.
More information to come.
On this website, you will find extensive Q&As. This will be added to regularly as we receive more information and of course, as we welcome further questions from members.
Have a question that hasn’t been covered here? Please submit below.
A word from our President
“There are key moments in the proud history of our club where members have made decisions to benefit the next generation. This includes the foresight to move to our current location here in Albany. This is a fine club that I am incredibly proud to be part of. However, it is not without challenge. I believe the Driving Forward project is a once-in-a-generation opportunity. It is our chance to contribute to the next chapter of the club, ensuring its prosperity and securing it for generations to come. With our 100-year milestone only a few years away, this is a pivotal moment in our history. I encourage you to absorb information, ask questions, arm yourself with knowledge and continue the legacy of those who have led the way before us.”
Keith Sumner
North Shore Golf Chairman
Ask us
Have a question that hasn’t been covered here? Ask us below. We will add any questions and the answers received for others to see on the Q&A page.
Items marked with an * are mandatory.